
There is craps players who say they can control the dice has anyone seen on at a casino?

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There is craps players who say they can control the dice has anyone seen on at a casino?




  1. They did have a whole "biography" on a group that won at dice by controlling the toss.  They didn't all win all the time but between 5 of them they got on some big runs and made some nice cash.

  2. Thats a lie... The only way to control dice is if they are loaded. Take it from a guy thats worked on casino gaming tables and Surveillance Departments for a long time....

  3. There is a technique that can help get you more consistent rolls, I have seen this on Travel Channel.  Do a search on Yahoo! for "Frank Scoblete Craps"

  4. No, that is completely made up.  The casinos are very clever at spotting cheats.  They switch the dice out a lot.  They put a little bar on the table the forces the dice to tumble.  Anyone that says they can control the dice is talking c**p.

  5. Yes, many times.

    Anyone who tells you that controlling the dice can't be done is either an idiot or thinks it's impossible just because they can't do it. The best dice controllers have mountains of data proving that they get a statistical edge, and most have the bank accounts to back it up. I know a guy who clears almost $500k a year playing craps and he doesn't even live here.

    The fact is, it doesn't even matter if it hits the back wall. With a proper throw, if the dice hit the back wall and make one rotation in ANY direction, a player can create a statistical edge.

    And it's certainly not cheating. As long as you throw the dice in the air and hit the back wall, it's a legal throw.

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