
There is ever increasing demand of foods and the production is decreasing, how can we solve this problem?

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Recents news of lack of food production and incresing demand due to growth of middle class families? The fertilizer are being epensive and all this biofuel stuff with global problems like flood , drough , desertification,? will million people starve to death?




  1. Yeah, many millions of people have already starved to death, mostly in third world countries.

    Actually, i don't really think it has anything to do with the fertilizer being expensive, because right now there are many cheap chemicals that modern technology has brought about that can increase yields and stuff (not that it's a really good thing. There can be many after effects, like overuse of land that yeah, can lead to desertification).

    Basically the cause of the problem is very complicated. There's the rising oil prices, less land for agriculture, less funding for agriculture (governments usually like to place less emphasis on primary industries i.e. agriculture because it doesn't bring much revenue to the nation). It becomes harder to cultivate food and farmers tend to switch to other industries like manufacturing or Research and Development. So yeah no one wants to be a farmer. Because of this, with lesser labour and lesser investment in this area, it becomes harder to produce more food, which leads to an increasing demand because of the reduced supply.

    Okay, so i've talked about a lot of reasons, and here are some suggestions to combat these problems:

    stop stockpiling food. when people buy like, 5 bags of rice because they think "it's better to buy it while it's still cheap", they're unwittingly reducing the supply and creating a larger demand for the rice. This causes the food prices to increase.

    Stop burning food for biofuels. Yeah, so what if the carbon emissions are reduced? The cons outweigh the pros. Food that was meant to be EATEN or sent to third world countries are BURNT away like crazy.

    Go organic! Even though organic food is much more expensive than GM foods (genetically modified), it can create a larger demand for organic foods and the governments will see it as an investment and put in more capital in agriculture.

    There are many other ways to cope with the problem of reduced food productions! Like NOT WASTING FOOD. Even if it tastes bad. Even if it doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing. Just eat it. Unless it's rotten.

    I hope this helps! :D

  2. start a new ww

  3. Make it the norm to eat less! End obesity!

  4. no one in the western world is going to starve. we buy too much, eat too much, throw too much away. as a fat person, i can say that everyone needs to cut down on eating food we dont need

  5. The bible says that God once came down with manna. Mankind has been exceptionally good in financially supporting so many different religions for all these years.  I can't picture God refusing to send down more.

  6. Genetically modified (GM) foods is the answer. I know this will spark of debate and I am not at all an advocate of GM foods, but I really don't see any other answer. There is only that much land in the world and the population is increasing. What else can be done.  

  7. People in developed world should change their living habits and contribute to the saving of food. Like not wasting foods, using unnecessary fuel and using lands for their comfort living.

    The use of chemicals are detoriting the soil and making it barren. The land has become addict to fertilizers and without nothing will grow. People should try more of the organice food production.

    In the developing countries the wastage of food during harvesting and storing is in large amount. If that food can be saved then the problem might reduce a bit. More ever the population growth mus be controlled since it requires more food, destroys more cultivable land.

    IF all contribute then definitely more lives will be saved

  8. Greed, Glutony and a society that doesnt really give a hoot are the problems.We have it and they dont ..thats it. will you give up one of your cars?look at the rich around you, what soundbites do they give, how much do you really care. talk talk talk thats all most folkes do but when you actually have to do something then thats a different matter.If everyone in the west invested 5% of their salary and time to these problems then we would all be just fine.

  9. Americans are so greedy and wasteful.(Most) Houses are built (new of course) with huge sqare home.Taking up precious farmland and pasture.People mow vast lawns,wasting gas,thus using more oil and bio fuels.Also using drinking water to keep them green.(more important than food!) Hemp should be utilized for biofuel,it produces more ethanol than corn,switchgrass,or aspen trees.It could also be used for building,(ten x stronger than wood.Clothes and on and on.) I see so much food wasted.I was brought up,don't take it if you're not going to finish it.And with our mother and 8 of us siblings.We ate what we got and liked it!It breaks my heart every time I drive by a farm,I  knew and is now split up into big houses. As they say America won't fall from without,but within.What we do greatly affects most of the world.

  10. If you have a small or a large garden you could start learning to grow some of your own food, it is fun and rewarding.  You will then have good organic fruit and vegetables locally grown and in season.

  11. We should grow more & eat whats cheaply available in plenty. Like the common banana...its nutritous, filling & good for health. I live in India & here tho' poverty is rife...most of the very poor homes dine on a variety of dishes cooked with the cheapest of indgredients, the banana being one of them.   We need to go back to our roots...go to survive.

  12. Sure?

    Food demand is increasing?

    Production is reducing?

    Science and mathematics is advancing in time?

    How can it be?

    Who's the bunch of educated idiots out there?

    Making a mess with poor arithmetic?

    Where did they go wrong?

    Should they go back to school first?

    Learn what is management on guidance on survival of living human kind?

    Who teach them to self destruct  in messing up human lives with go forth and have four wives in having plenty of children with self lack of knowledge to self extinction in time?

    How did the blind were blindly following the blind with self lack of knowledge too in having four wives with plenty of children to feed with less food out there?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

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