
There is going to be a mandatory drug testing policy in my high school so my question is is this truly legal?

by  |  earlier

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They are sending a consent form for parents to sign but if you put no on the form the school will take away your parking priviliges and disallow participation in any activity. I honestly think there must be something you can do because otherwise they would have started this long ago. But I also believe this does go againest your rights. I believe you can say no to this since thinking it in another way they are taking YOUR urination. If a person can refuse to take a blood test couldn't we refuse to take a urination test? My opinion on refusing to take this does NOT make me guilty, but it does make me feel a bit violated and to others that are innocent. These tests are "random" so the school says. The school is not accepting refusal when you are about to get tested. If you refuse they will count you positive and obligate you to go to counseling. I know there must be something you can do to refuse to take it without any harm on your record. If you could please let me know ASAP!




  1. This has already been litigated. The school is within its rights to demand that you submit to testing or lose all your extra-curricular privileges.

    It sucks, but there it is.

  2. Your rights are indeed being violated.  Certainly you can refuse the test, and they are coercing you to take the test. If you decline the test, they send you to drug counselling? Nothing like guilty until proven innocent.

    If they take away your parking lot priviledges, park in the neighborhood near the school on a public road.

    Take a look at this recent article by Reason Magazine that does a real good job explaining how we got to where we are today with drug tests.

  3. Your 4th and 5th amendment rights are being violated by this policy. Don't back down.

  4. Fight it to the end@

  5. Make sure all the teachers will be tested also. They don't have any right to drug test you. I really don't believe your parents would agree with this forced testing.

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