
There is hope at last?

by  |  earlier

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So a polititian resigns over a matter of principle. Make him prime minister straight away.




  1. i agree

    the only decent man in there, and he resigns.

  2. Sorry to derail the gravy train. David Davis just pulled the wool over all your eyes. He'll be back, politicians have resigned before. Once the Tories win (and regardless of party affiliations, you must accept that they will) he'll be moved to a safe seat and reinstated to bolster the cabinet.

  3. yes.

  4. When a politician resigns on an issue such as this!I wonder!What ulterior plans are coming into effect!A bid for the leadership of the party!Perhaps!!

  5. I second that. The Tories did themselves a great dis-service by not picking him as their leader.

    Truly a man of integrity, not seen for some time.

  6. Hope?

    McCain 2008! Experienced change with proven results!

  7. For every one MP that has the guts to stand up and be counted, there are 100s who will sit there, and say nothing in case it upsets the leader of their own party.

    I was watching ( on tv ) the debate concerning the 42 day detention yesterday, there were less than 50 MPs in the chamber discussing the pros and cons of locking people up without charge. Where were the other 600 MPs ? In the bar?

    What is the point in debating the new law, when (at the last minute) 600 MPs scramble in to vote. just before the Speaker asked for the doors to be locked.

  8. Greaseball Brown and New McLabour could learn something from David Davis.

  9. I take it you mean David Davis over the insidious, surreptitious and relentless erosion of our Liberty by this inept government.
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