
There is myth in my country that woman who have unclean s*x make black baby, is it true, medically?

by  |  earlier

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In my country, there is old tale say that woman who have unclean s*x (where man have s*x in the evil way, not natural birth way, but in another spot) they can make a black children. Is this true, medically? Please ONLY MEN, answer, as I am looking for smart medicine facts, not crazy opinions from womans.

(Apology for my bad english)




  1. And which country would this be?

  2. ROFLMFAO...

    U've gotta be kiddin'.......... ?


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I can't breathe.. OMG.

  3. your country is racist

  4. Of course not.

    That implies that black people always have unclean s*x because we always have black babies.

    So much racism in the world.

  5. Alright Borat! Since you want to be terrible rude, I'll just put it plain. Anal s*x does not result in the creation of Black babies.

  6. Anal s*x is the way to go brother,  as God intended.

  7. well...I guess that saying about there being no such thing as a stupid question is wrong because THIS question is definitely on the stupid side.

    maybe instead of worrying about false myths and "crazy opinions" from women you should go ahead and work on that english

  8. No one of the parents have to be black, that's just a stupid thing to say or believe

  9. you are looking for smart medicine facts? you are an idiot. women can answer this question just as well, if not better, then men. so shove it. and of course thats not true you idiot. omg i cant believe you are serious.  

  10. How the fck would a man know.. does he give birth... i am amused to find out what undiscovered cave you come from darling. It is an honor to have a black child, any child is a blessing. you are on some real dank stuff. I bet it is that jenkum stuff dude. eeewww.

  11. Smart medicine fact

    about ANAL s*x:

    does not produce a baby.

  12. Thie is not unclean s*x Frank. Its the best! LMAO what a pun! Do you want a black baby? Then get a black woman prego!  

  13. No, sperm will not reach the egg by the back door.  People are different in color due to the genes of both parents.  A child with a black parent and a white parent will have a larger probability of having a dark color due to the dark gene being predominate.  By the way, women could answer this question better than most men.

  14. Yes it's true.

  15. stop the madness...

  16. No.

  17. I don't know what they are teaching you over where you say. but I never heard of such a thing. and it sounds like you trying to start a lot of mess. What you saying is very stupid

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