
There is no doubt that the ultimate war is about to take place with Russia and the U.S....but when?

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war with us and russia? is the days of sorrow coming?




  1. Um...I have doubt.  Why are you so sure that war with Russia is inevitable?  Is that what you want?  Are you looking forward to it or do you just get a charge out of being afraid?  The U.S. is really in no position politically, militarily or economically to take on Russia.  Nor do I see any reason why it should.  When did war become a first choice instead of a last resort?  I see the dying global environment as a much more serious threat than a possible war with Russia.  Dominoking77: Spoken like a typical, brainless schoolyard bully.  Unfortunately also spoken like most of our current world leaders.

  2. Not anytime soon, both sides have way too much to lose.  Georgia isn't important enough for a war with a major power, and they are not a member of NATO.  There will be posturing and angry words, but no war.  

  3. hey it might it depends did they lend the US money for war if they did they might want it back and in the position the US is in I don't think the US will be ready to pay so I think there might be a war or another depression.  

  4. Over Georgia? That tiny little spit of a country? I think not. Vladimir Putin is simply having a commie moment, and all this Russia vs. Georgia c**p is merely territorial. Don't worry about it.

  5. Funny that Bible talks about this war...  And now Russia has invaded Georgia...  And Russia is friends with the Chinese, and Iran, and North Korea...  And they would all like to smack the U.S....  And the U.S. supports Israel, which they detest...  Hhhmmmm.  Could be sooner than a lot of people think!To the response above me, that's exactly WHY it's a good time for those countries to go to war with the US.  Why go into a fight with an opponent in top shape, if you think you can whip his tail when he's down?  Oh, and fighting is only a last resort whenever you really think you can't win.

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