
There is only a 63 point 3dMark06 difference between my 8500gt and my 8600gt? Which one should i sell?

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8500GT 256mb gddr3. 710mhz core. 1904mhz memory. score 4082

8600GT 512mb ddr2. 660mhz core. 800mhz memory. score 4145

I have them both overclocked but which one should i keep for gaming?

Yes these are the highest clocks possible.

Vista scores the 8500 aero 5.9 gaming 5.7

Vista scores the 8600 aero 4.9 gaming 5.3

3dmark06 score has the 8600 63 points ahead.




  1. If you can, keep both and use them.  They both have positive aspects and they both have negative aspects.  For example, the 8500 has 256 mb of gddr3 memory but the other one has more memory  but it's ddr2 which is slower.

  2. sell the 8500

    You're going to need the higher RAM for future games

  3. sell the 8500 cause you always want to keep the newer hard ware

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