
There is seriously something wrong with my belly button... there is brown stuff in it that i can not get out

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i wash daily, and i don't know what it is.. i tried to take it out and its brown stuff that will not come out.. what is going on? I'm due dec. 31st




  1. Annette is right. I had the same thing. It faded away after I had my son.

  2. It might be a scab, a mole, a discolored rash, a freckle, or one of those birthmarks you get after birth?  Whatever it is, I think that you and your baby will be fine.  If you still don't feel at ease, then go visit your doctor, and see what he has to say about it.

  3. haha! Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with you! That happened to me during both of my pregnancies, and in the first pregnancy I called my Midwife...horrified!!

    I kept thinking....did I not clean my bellybutton enough? I scrubbed it until it was sore. My bellybutton is still angry with me.

    My Midwife told me that pregnancy increases melanin production (which causes the linea nigra or brown line that sometimes appears from the navel down to the downstairs area...something I never got).

    This melanin production will also, weirdly enough, cause the skin in your bellybutton to turn darker colors.

    So, don't worry-just another of those wonderful and weird inexplicable pregnancy symptoms!

    Happy motherhood!

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