
There is something pinkish red sticking out of mu puppy's bum.. what is it??

by  |  earlier

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I have just noticed it now, There is a pink bubble looking bump poking out of my puppy's bum... any ideas




  1. It means its a boy....

  2. There is a possibility that it is a prolapsed intestine or something like that.

    I would take him to the vet and ask what it is. If you wait too long, and it is a prolapsed bowel, it could be extremely dangerous. It may have happened when the puppy was straining to potty.

    Prolapse happens to most animals, even humans. A very generalized description of it is when your "insides fall out." I've seen it happen to cows a lot. After a cow has been down giving birth, if she isn't up in a reasonable amount of time, her uterus and v****a will essentially come out because of all the straining and being on that plane of gravity. It can be fixed, but the rancher will usually sell the cow for meat because it will most likely happen again and again.

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