
There is something stuck in my eye and I can't get it out, its EXTREMELY irritating when I blink. Help?

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I climbed in bed like an hour ago and suddenly when I blinked, I got this irritating little pain and I couldn't open my eye. I eventually got it to open 2 min later with the same irritation. i dont know if it's an eyelash or whatever. I've used eye drops, artificial tears, even pouring a cup of water into my eye but I cant flush it out. I really feel it when i close my eyes or blink, which in effect is make it extremly difficult to fall asleep. Its 2:15 right now :( help please




  1. try 2 keep that eye closed and dont just flush it with water. wenit becomes less painful stick ur eye in a bowl of water and open it. if that fails go 2 ur docter

  2. You should probably see a doctor or have someone in the house inspect your eye more thoroughly. If it's just an eyelash then it can be gently removed with a q-tip but it could be a corneal abrasion. Corneal abrasions usually feel like an eyelash in the eye....or worse..with eyes watering, redness and light sensitivity. You need to see a doctor for this.

  3. If you cannot see an eyelash... it's probably not an eyelash. Get an EMERGENCY appointment with an ophthalmologist if it's possible- if not, have someone at home / a taxi / an ambulance drive you to the hospital.

  4. Is it possible that it may be a parasite? (worms)

  5. um. have you ever seen those water spray things that they have in science labs? for when you get acid in your eyes. they have water jets spraying at you from a couple of directions, and it always gets the stuff out of your eyes

    i realise that you probably can't use one of those, so that might not sound very helpful, but if you turn the shower on only cold water, and lie underneath it so only your head is in the shower, it might have a similar effect

    but you gotta lie down

    sorry if that wasnt very helpful

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