
There is something wrong with this Beijing Olympic Games, right?

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I don't know, the gymnastic judging have been awful, so is boxing and every sport where the winner is chosen by a judge rather than by competition. Also the air, and the murder thing. The 12 hour difference with United States don't make it better. In fact giving it a rate of 10, where 10 is perfect and 1 is well horrible, I will give these games a 6, yeah a 6.

Comparing I gave the Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympic games an 8, the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games a 9 and the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games an 7.5

What do you think?

How do you rate this Beijing Olympic Games?




  1. 6 or 7

  2. 9.5

    Points for 1)  great opening ceremony

                   2)  appreciative crowd

                   3)  good facilities built to enable world-class performances

                   4)  outstanding efforts made to improve air quality in Beijing

                   5)  good host to all countries participating in the olympics

                   6)  providing top-notch security in the face of threats from

                        agitators, saboteurs, Tibetan trouble-makers;

                   7)  providing fair commentaries for all sports (in Chinese),

                        and not overly-biased in reports of achievements; wide

                        coverage given to athletes of most nations

                   8)  not over-indulging in coverage of local heroes, hence,

                        did not portray the "blowing of own trumpets" syndrome

    The above points should endear world audience to the olympics show that are progressing very well at the moment.  There is respect shown by the host to all participating nations, which is the most important factor.  And, all are made to feel welcomed.

  3. What about the air?  You are not even over there, how can you possibly judge that.  The gymnastic judging rules were changed so it's your own fault for not knowing them.

    And let me change something for you "judging have been awful, so is boxing and every sport where the winner is chosen by a judge rather by competition and the American ended up losing"

  4. no matter how much i would love to see the US win more golds the truth is china has just been stellar this year. i thought all judging in all sports has been fair and given to the right country. And yeah the time difference sucks but what can we do about it... not everything in the world can be made just for us americans.... Look at it this way... we might not be getting the best coverage this oympics but think about all the other stuff we get to enjoy on a daily basis on tv that no other countries get a chance at. its great to see our country win but the whole idea of the olympics isnt about winning... its about bringing countries together as one... now the only dislike i have so far this year would  be the amount of money china spent on the oympics. I think the average citzen in china could use it more. but then at the same time i guess the avg person in china will benifit from all the tourism so i take that back lol... but besides that i think all the bad rep about china is a bunch of BS...  why cant people find something else to complain about...  i give it a 9 nothing can be a 10....

  5. I don't think the gymnastic judging have been awful. I think the NBC commentators has been awful. Bias. Worthless nonsense. Ignorants who think the judges are "incompetent" than they are.

    Air is fine. Marathon runners has WR and the Ethiopian guy regets his decision to drop the marathon fearing the pollution will worsen his lungs but when he came he apologizes.

    The murder thing was accidental by a maniac. You can't really hold a grudge on that. seriously.

    I gave it a 9.5.

  6. 1996 Olympic games get a 8 when an American terrorist kills 2 people and injuring 111 others in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing while the Beijing Olympics gets a 6 for a suicide stabbing occurring outside of the actual Olympic events? I think somebody is a bit bias..... Plus there is always flaws when it comes to judging, just because a few happened to affect the American competitors this Olympics doesn't mean other countries weren't ever on the bitter end of the judging stick during the other Olympic games or even this Olympics, you just don't hear the NBC news cast complaining about unfair judging against athletes in other countries or point out scores that were too high awarded to American competitors.

    I would give the event a 9, that Opening Ceremony was truly epic! Even with all the controversies the media is infatuated with regarding the Opening Ceremonies, it is still the best d**n opening in Olympic history By FAR. Also Michael Phelps with 8 Olympic Gold medals with 8 World/Olympic Records along with Jason Lezak's shocking comeback, Usain Bolt's INSANE finish in both 100 and 200 meters sprints, Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson's beautiful performances in Gymnastics, Wang Xin and Chen Ruolin's amazing dives, it's been a pretty good Olympics so far. A bit disappointed in a few events mostly with the men's 110 meter hurdles when Liu Xiang was not able to compete due to his leg injury, but overall pretty good.

  7. 8

  8. Well i like that america is winning everything.  But i HATE HATE HATE that they dont show it live on the west coast.  Thats how much the eastern US care about the west coast.  I really hate how NBC is the only network that gets to air it.  If it was more than one network.  We could see more events and they would have competition and would be forced to air a quality product.  They just half *** it and we are forced to watch it if we want to watch the olympics.

  9. 9

  10. You know, China came into this thinking they're going to get all this praise and they are. BUT they're getting insulted left and right.

    The cyclists mask..haha

    Spain...the eyes

    Argentina...same as Spain, apparently Argentina doesn't get cable.

    The media, some true some false.

    Themselves, I mean you just insulted your "singer" saying she can't sing good enough, and the real voice saying shes too ugly. LOL

    And I give it a 7

  11. Before you make yourself a fool, pls understand the rules and points systems of those events like Gymnastic, Boxing, diving etc.

    In events like gymnastics have a difficulty component which will affect the result greatly so if you do perfect without a high difficulty component you will loose out to one which does ok with minor error but with high difficulty component.

    The scoring systems are by international professionals from many countries unlike your subjective no basis scoring system.

    And what has timezone got to do with the rating of the games?  

  12. I'd give it a 9.  Not perfect, but still very good and everything seems very professional and classy.  Loved the opening ceremony, and the medal presentations, everything seems to be of a high standard.

    I wish they didn't win the 2 golds in women's gymnastics so the US media and NBC wouldn't stop moaning about cheating.

  13. 9---these games seem to be alot more dramatic with many different story lines to follow, being from the US I hear more about those athletes, but to mention a few Johnson/Luikan in gymnastics, Walsh/May in Beach Volleyball, Lolo Jones track, Usain Bolt in Track, and ofcourse Micheal Phelps.  It was been a lot of fun to watch. The other things you mentioned I don't think could be controlled.  None the less it has been very exciting.  

  14. It's not as if the time difference can be helped. It's not as if everything can be adjusted for the Americans.

    9 at least. I loved the Opening Ceremony and I loved the athletes.

  15. im a track fan; i have only antenna at home and nbc is all i got for coverage...

    well id say that it would not be my thing to say what wrong with games because that should solely be based on the athletes that are particiapting in it

  16. I like it I will give it a 8 it's not my favorite but oh well.

    And no one can do anything about the time difference.

    I liked the Sydney Olympics the best.

  17. It's been a good olympics for my country - after an initial bit of trouble, we've had a lot of surprising wins and medallists - we medalled in TRAMPOLINE for goddness sakes.  TWICE.  It's nice to see some surprising and new athletes come to light.

    I think the diving judges are right on.  The people who medalled honestly deserved it.  Quite fair results.  And I didn't hear much about synchronized swimming either.  Judo and Wrestling seemed fair to me.

    I didn't watch boxing - watching people beat each other with giant tampons - erm, I mean gloves - doesn't entertain me.  So I don't know what you're talking about.

    But I didn't think Gymnastics was that unfair.  I felt the judging on the all around and team were fair.  The only result I doubted was the vault.  That was a little screwy.  But they're still perfecting the new judging system.

    I liked the Sydney Olympics best.  I thought it was really cool. The Greece ones were really dreadful for me - the time difference was really bad (10 hours - nothing was ever on when I was around).

    These olympics have had some entertaining matches and some really intense competition.  The time difference is better for me this time around too.

    I do like all the shots of things like the Great Wall in the biking race.

    2000 - Syndey - 9

    2004 - Athens - 4

    2008 - Beijing - 8.

  18. 10

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