
There is this girl I like but she screwed things up, help!

by  |  earlier

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Anyways, we were at my house, also I should remind you that she was sexually abused as a child by her father and her father was put in prison for life. Also her mother walked out on them a few years after she was born.

So we were at my house when I begin to pressure her into anal. Then she begins to cry, probably because of all the memories she had. So already she was turning me off. But then she says I don't even care about her and she runs out of my house and says we are through. Anyways, I knew she screwed up our relationship. I need some help on how I should fix her mistakes, should I make her apologize for what she did?

But on a side note, who can agree with me that she is just being downright rude.




  1. Hey, first of all, she didnt s***w things up! You already admitted that you were pushing her into it! So, no. Don't make her apolagize for what she did, maybe you should try apolagizing. She obviously feels hurt that you were pushing her, so leave off for a couple of weeks, then go to her house and talk things through.

  2. i dont know if theres really much you can do....what her father did to her will stick with her for the rest of her life. she cant help that she cried in front of you. you were the one who was being rude, you knew what her father did to her...i think you owe HER the apology

  3. I can't figure out whether you're being serious or not.  Because you're clearly the one in the wrong here.

    You knew full well about her past, so you should've been delicate approaching the subject of s*x.  Nevermind pressuring her into something lots of girls would never do anyway.  She had every right to walk out.  You've probably brought up a lot of memories for her that she doesn't need.

    She'll do well without you.  And you need to learn how to treat any girl, nevermind ones with a bad childhood!

  4. are you serious?!!?!?!?you are insensitive and  maybe she needs a new boyfriend.!!! you want her to apologize to YOU for what? leaving &getting upset during s*x cause you wanted anal adn she didnt !?? ( IS THERE A BRAIN IN THERE SHE IS TRAUAMTIZED YOU IDIOT ) Sorry buddy but I hope she leaves your ***..SOON  

  5. I think your girl is right here.  Any guy who pressures his girl or any girl to do things sexually that she doesn't want to do is a jerk.  And by you not taking her feelings into consideration, and pressuring her to do something that obviously she didn't want to do, you are in the wrong.  NOT HER.

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