
There is this girl at my church.?

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There is this girl at my church that like. I always catch her looking at me during the service (I think she is looking at me ) and usually when we make eye contact she smiles. She is two years younger than me (I am 18 she is 16) She goes to the same private school that I graduated from and I attend a local community college. Our parents work together. Our dads are both doctors in the same rotation and get along quite well and her mother is a secretary at the law firm where my mom practices law and I also work at the firm as a research associate and plan to go to law school (they also get along well) . The PROBLEM: I never get the chance to talk to this girl. I know she is a deeply kind person and very sweet. The only time I see her is at church. The QUESTIONS: Do you think she likes me as well? If so: How can I talk to her about this without her parents being right there (as they are every Sunday morning)?




  1. slip her a note

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