
There is this girl i like at school, i know her but not too well, what should i say to ask her out?

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There is this girl i like at school, i know her but not too well, what should i say to ask her out?




  1. I think you should use small talk with her. Just start talking to her and see what her interests are. Then go from there. Try being friends, and get to know her before you ask her out. Because even though she may seem like "the girl of your dreams" now, once you get to know her, she may not be "the girl of your dreams" lol. First impressions aren't the only impression...  

  2. say you wanna hang out at the movies or somthing

  3. well it might be better to ease into it before you ask her out since you said you don't know her that well. that way you can kind of test if you guys will work before actually taking the plunge. like start sitting with her at lunch and hanging around her alot (but don't like stalk her nonstop!) get her number and txt her after school and stuff and start hugging her when you have to leave. If all of this goes well then it should be easy to ask her out  but FYI we like it better if you ask us to be your GIRLFRIEND rather that to "go out" with you and it's better to do it in person.

    hope this helps!

  4. Get to know her first, tell her jokes and talk to her  then ask her if you want to hang out somtime.

  5. get to know the girl first and become friends

    most girls wont accept if they dont know you at all

    so become friends and after a little bit ask her out

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