
There is this <span title="girl...........................?">girl........................</span>

by Guest66366  |  earlier

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School started and there is this girl I really like. I don't have any classes with her, but I have the same lunch hour. I am the person that is not shy, and enjoys having a conversation with anyone almost. But for some reason I am afraid to talk to her. She is younger than me. She hangs out with the popular type of people, so I was thinking she is to hard to get or too good for me. Is there hope for me? What should I do?!?




  1. Just say hi to her and walk away.  Then, she will know about it and perhaps it is a perfect time for you to approach up to her and start a converstation.

  2. ummm...lets c do u sit at her table?

    if you do then just try getting into her convorstion but if not then sit at her table and do the same thing ;]]

    i hoped this helped you!!

    plezzz [[best answer]]

  3. It&#039;s much easier to talk to someone when it isn&#039;t personal.  When it matters is when most people freeze up.  And the good part is that if you talk to her and nothing develops, you don&#039;t have to go into a cold sweat every time you see her in class.  Younger?  How much?  Popular isn&#039;t necessarily good, but I get what you mean.  You&#039;ll just never know unless you ask.  The only real rush is that she might find another boyfriend if you wait too long.  (And she might like dating a guy who is a little older, you never know.)

    Why don&#039;t you get to know her a little?  If she says hi back and is willing to talk to you, you could ask her out for a coke and see what it leads to.  

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