
There isn't an adult curfew, is there?

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I'm nineteen, and an insomniac. When I can't fall asleep, I like to go on walks through my town. It's a smallish city, so after about 10 pm the roads are deserted; the crime statistics are very low here so I don't have anything to worry about.

Anyway, just about the only cars I ever see out there are cop cars, and they never stop me but I can tell they're watching me. I'm the only person out there, and as a lone college guy, I probably do look suspicious walking along the shoreline road at three in the morning.

But I'm an adult, and there's not harm in me walking along the city road, even at that ungodly hour is there?

(I guess it seems like a stupid question, but my hometown -- a larger city -- had a pretty strict teen curfew that I was always afraid of even though I was never out then.)




  1. No as long as you arent stopped in a parking lot and you arent drinking or on drugs!

    It is a free country, on public property.

  2. Unless martial law has been established and the Constitution suspended, there's no way there could be an adult curfew anywhere in the U.S., although public parks often do have closing hours so you can't be walking around in them at night. However, you might want to consider getting a dog and taking it for walks with you, then you won't look like a suspicious loner. Also keep in mind that it's not just the cops who are paying attention to you, but also any groups of youths who may have nothing better to do than to look for somebody easy to s***w with, so be careful.

  3. No adult curfew exists except in martial law in which case you can't go out after a certain time but you can still be out.

  4. No there isn't....

  5. Talk to one of the officers that you see.

    Explain who you are, they will then know why you are out walking around at 3 am.

    No it is not illegal to be Free in America, to go where you please to go, as long as you do not break the law(s).

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