
There must be life on any other planet rather than only earth ......... see details?

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we see that on earth there is life in every place wheather it is sea , hills , ice , desert .the living beings which find at that places having body according to there atmosphere , different shapes size , looks then why not at another planet .if there is no oxyzon then it may be that there body not required oxyzon and like other stuff




  1. In a universe of 73 sextillion stars, many of them with planets, and up to 9 billion years older than the Solar System,  I consider it a certainty that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the galaxy and the rest of the universe (although I'm not so sure about Earth sometimes, Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life here).  With many of them being up to 9 billion years ahead of us technologically, I am sure they have found ways to travel around the universe.  

    We currently have no way of looking for life on extrasolar planets, except what SETI is doing, looking for radio signals.  We haven't been able to communicate with ants, nor have we tried (but we study them).

    I agree that we have no idea what other intelligences may be like or what their requirements for life may be.

  2. Your right! Life on Earth is incredibly diversified and able to survive in the most different of environments. However, the genesis of life is probably much more picky than life itself. The first form of life was probably a few proteins joined togethor that just so happen to create other proteins just like it. These very simple life forms would have been nothing like the surviving machine micro organisms of today. If the Earth's oceans were to all freeze there would probably still be life somewhere. Same if the oceans burnt away, but this is only becuase there are billions of different species on Earth and chances are one will find a way to adapt. If the oceans had frozen or dried up in the first few million years of life on Earth then those tiny reproducing protein stands would probably been wiped out because there was no diversity.

    The point I'm trying to make is that the adaptability of life on Earth doesn't necessarily mean life should be almost everywhere because it would probably need very specific conditions to begin first. However life is probably common in the universe despite this. The universe is a big place and the chances of there being no life are infinitesimal.

    Summing it all up: diversity of life on Earth doesn't mean life should be commonplace throughout the universe, but the size of the universe makes the chances of life great.

  3. The odds of no life anywhere else are phenomenal. Also - life does not need to be carbon based and needing oxygen - maybe life can be silicone based and breathe nitorgen.

    The odds of us ever coming in contact with life outside of earth are also phenomenal.

  4. yes i think so too

    but for hundreds of years people have been researching and still knows nothing about all the stars & planets in our own galaxy.

    still i think there is life. but they don't nessacerily look like what poeple draw them as in comic books.....

  5. nope... sciencetist have been searching for years and found squat....

  6. While I have no idea what you mean by oxyzon (did you mean ozone?), I agree. The universe is so staggeringly huge, that there must surely be many countless other planets suitable for life, and surely on some of those life exists.


    If you thoroughly meditate and contemplate the above, the best and most reasonable solution is that we are the ONLY show in the town.

    Sorry kid... the craft are just New World Order vehicles and what you call "aliens" are just  extradimensional beings or what some call "The Fallen":

    Do not let them force you to take this:

  8. Well first of all, its not "oxyzen" its "oxygen". But you do have a very fine point to make. Although all of mammal and fish life requires oxygen, not all life on earth requires this gas. Certain bacteria do not need oxygen to live. But do all mammals have to have it? Well, we can’t say for sure. We know that all of the mammals on Earth have to have oxygen, but that doesn’t mean that ALL mammals need oxygen. Assuming the likely possibility that there is mammalian life on another celestial body, they might evolve to use the gas most abundant in their environment which could be a different gas. We don’t know that all cells are made the same, and that everything needs oxygen because our study of life is limited to Earth because we haven’t seen, much less studied, life any where else.

  9. No doubt there are other life forms, the universe is massive!

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