
There should be a self defense tournament against top 50 most common street attacks?

by  |  earlier

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How can an instructor teach self defense, if he can not even defend himself against an average Joe attacks. Too many techniques being taught by under-qualified instructors that would get you into trouble if you try to use them on the street. Very difficult for a beginner who has no martial art experiences to know what is good for him/her. If you are an experienced and good fighter, you know what i am talking about. There should be a self defense tournament to determine the best self defense styles against the top 50 most common attacks on the street confrontations, including defense against hand and leg strikes, holds and locks, and ground defense. Obviously those attackers involves needs to wear some form of protections. This way people will know what definitely will not work, and they will know rankings, and statistics. Please give suggestions and solutions how to get it to work!!!! If you give obstacles, also give solutions on how to over come those obstacles you just mentioned.




  1. i've thought that very thing for many years now.

    everyone talks about mma, muay thai, and brazilian jujutsu. but those arts are not preparing you for a self defense situation. most self defense situations don't start from punches or kicks...but from grabs, or weapons.

    i think there should be a realistic...full contact...full power...fully resisting attacker (who isnt a trained martial artist)...but ....not in a sporting environment, but in specific street self defense scenarios.

    one guy said his mma went right out the window. which i believe is because of the lack of scenario training.

    traditional people don't train "alive" enough. but mma people ignore the situations they are really likely to encounter on the street. not everything is a 1 on 1 challenge match. not everything is against someone your own size and weight. without weapons and a referee.

    i think it'd be a great idea!!!!

    same attacker for all defenders. no women vs women...but make a woman defend herself against a large man.

    it wont say which "style" is best...but it'll show the world that mma isnt everything.........nor is traditional martial arts.

    it still wouldnt be 100% real, because you need some rules for safety. but it'd get people training for self defense in a realistic manner. not learning alive martial arts for the wrong arena. nor the right scenarios against a compliant opponent.

  2. smith & wesson have developed good self defense tactics.

  3. Again, all you would prove is who was the best "self defense expert" at that point in time, not what was the best style.  If the guy representing Praying Mantis kung fu had the flu that day and couldn't perform at his best, does that mean that his style is not effective?  

    There is no best system, only better practitioners.  People that have this obsession with something having to be the best do not have a firm grasp on what the martial arts really are.

    And no, I won't explain it.  If I have to explain it, you cannot understand.

  4. Too often people discuss self defense as though knowing the secret "self defense techniques" will guarantee survival during a street encounter.

    If self defense is your main goal,  the majority of your studies should be on how to avoid confrontation through the use of environmental analysis, threat indentification, verbal de-escalation, crowed behavior and psychology, and the execution of common sense not to mention carrying a weapon.

    Physical reactions should account for about 1% of your self defense training, if this is truly your main goal. If you spend the majority of your time studying the "secret self defense technique" on willing opponents and believe that it will save you, you are being imprudent and are living a fantasy.


    "Learn sprinting, that would go well with the avoid confrontations."

    Exactly my point.

  5. i got in a streeet fight the other day and all that MMA i practice went out the window. I threw 2 kicks that didn't do anything what so ever and punched the whole time... i did win cause the dude was a shoplifter and i punched him till he ran out of gas but ... mMA is way different on TV & the gym mats!

  6. if you need some1 to teach you how to fight then you shouldnt be in situation you could get into one

  7. Actually there are only 36 recognized ways the average joe blow attacks the rest are attacks by trained fighters and are mainly counter techniques.

    It wouldn't prove a thing.

    1 It's not life threatening enough to get a true perspective

    2 The adrenaline drive wouldn't be high enough because it's not life threatening enough.

    3 The phsyiological  results would be way off.

    In a real life threatening situation your heart rate can jump from 60 bpm to 380 bpm in about 2 seconds .You get tunnel vision and forget those wrists locks and anything requiring fine motor control of your muscles you will resort to gross motor skills as in slugging it out as our mma friend discovered with the shoplifter.

    All street situations are life threatening and should always be seen as such unless you can read minds and know how far your opponent will go to win.

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