
There such a thing as personal driver's insurance (without owning a car)?

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My son lives at home, and rarely ever drives. He's on our insurance, which is expensive (he's 20). Is there such a thing as insurance he can buy so that when he does drive -- whether our car or someone elses -- he is covered for liability?




  1. Well, the auto policy you're talking about is called a "named non-owner" policy.  But it does NOT cover you when you're driving any vehicle regularly available for your use, or any vehicle owned by any household member.

    So the ONLY way he's going to be covered driving one of your cars, is if you list him on the policy.

  2. Your Son should be covered driving your car or anyone elses insured car if he has permission and a valid drivers license.  In the US, VEHICLES are insured so that anyone who has permission to drive an insured car and has a valid license is covered.

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