
There was a charmed show that was aired once where can I find it?

by  |  earlier

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there is an episode between the end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4. It was aired one time and one time only. This was part of Shannon's exit from the show, that The WB aired the show only once and was never to be seen again. Real fans of charmed know what i'm talking about.




  1. That episode is still aired, It's called 'All h**l breaks loose'....But you can watch it on  

  2. i loved charmed! you can search Charmed on and see when they may be airing episodes again. or you can go to to watch any episode of charmed that you want.

  3. girl it still comes on and i still watch it it comes on almost everyday at 8:00 on channel 29 TNT. it also comes on at 4:00 in the afternoon ur talking about the witches rite? if so my answer is correct

  4. the last episode of season 3 is called all h**l breaks loose.  The first episode of season 4 is called  Charmed again.   There isnt any episode between them.   Shannon was let go on the off season At the end of All h**l breaks loose, you see pipper and prue lying down they look dead.

    You find out in Charmed again that Leo healed Pipper and could not save Prue

    There is a pilot of the show that was never aired  It has a different girl playing Pheobe.  

    She didnt really fit.

  5. i know EXACTLY what you are tlking about...didnt they play it rite after the finale so it was basically like a 2 hr body believes me....i find only a few ppl who know  what i am tlking about and i bought the DVDs too nd they do not have it....nd i know...they only aired it ONCE and my memory of it isnt that great too but ive been trying to find out as much as i can about it...ive been looking for yrs....but im so glad i found someone who know what i am tlking bout.....pls email me and we can tlk bout wut we know :)

    i am a true Charmed fan :)

  6. i have seen it several times on TNT, the air 4 charmed episodes a day here in Illinois CST  at7 and 8 am and the at 3 and 4 pm.   if you have a local library by you you can rent the dvd's pretty cheap  you can also get them a t a video store. its the last episode of season 3 and the very beginning of season 4 is her wake... they dont make a big deal out of how she dies.. which i think was horrible of the show... i love Charmed but that could have been written better!

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