
There was a couple in Ga who won $167 million in the lottery, what would you do with the $ if it was you?

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A couple in south Georgia won $167 million (AFTER taxes) in the Mega Millions lottery. What would be your first big purchase if you had won?




  1. The first thing I would do would be to go to the Mercedes Benz and Porsche Dealership. And I probably would reserve the Nissan GT-R as well.

    I would pay off all of my Mom's bills and build my Mom a house so that she can retire early. I would get my Mom a new car and get my sister a car and I would donate some of the money to my Family Reunion Committee.

    After I finish college, I would build an Apartment Complex in my hometown and different places around the U.S. so that I could continue to make money. I probably would also invest in some other different companies/franchises.

    Then I would build myself a house in Florida and travel the world.

  2. help as many people as i could anonymously

  3. i would donate some to research on the disorder i have, donate some to go to green technology, pay off all my parents bills and other bills of my family and then save and invest the rest. and i would make a lot of donations over my lifetime also.

  4. I would not tell anyone that I won, but secretly plan a party to surprise my family. Then during the party I would give each one a present that annouces a $5 million trust has been placed in their names.  

    Then I would quit my job, buy a huge house and hire a decorator to decorate it while I traveled europe for a month with my family.

  5. Mcdonalds franchisee!!


  6. buy a house and every gaming console and games there is...

  7. I would send it all but 1000 dollars to binny the hinn.

  8. first i would pay off my parents bills and house, same with the rest of my family, then i would hire a contractor to build a big house so me and my friends could live together or build them their own houses next to mine

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