
There was a little dog that looks like a yorkie that my husband found some lady dropping off by the side of ?

by  |  earlier

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the road. i already have 3 dogs in a kannel and alot of cats., not to mention alot of farm animals. my question is should i keep the dog since he's friendly and likes the cats and if so how do i take care of a yorkie?




  1. You should contact Yorkshire Terrier Rescue - they will take care of it.

    I can't believe someone would dump a Yorkie - yikes...

    Anyway, here's the link:

                                              (it has great music, too!)

  2. a yorkie is pretty easy dog to care of but some have nasty tempers make sure you groom it because the hair gets tangled really easy also you cant be that rough with a yorkie you have to be careful of the hind legs they are really easy to get injured

  3. yorkies are fragile and eat like other small animals.

  4. you should report the people who dropped the dog off if you know them, or if it happens again in the future, get the license plate #, it is a crime to abandon a dog on the side of the road

    you take care of a yorkie the same way you take care of any animal, but you feed them a LOT less food

    if you can't keep her, you should bring her to a no kill shelter

  5. like any other dog but less food

  6. You should only keep the yorkie if you are financially equipped to handle another pet and have the time to give him and the rest of your animals the attention they need.  If that isn't the case, there are many breed specific rescues all over the US and Europe, these are an amazing resource for placing found animals and would be able to help you find him a new forever home.  It is horrible when people just abandon their pets and I commend you and your husband for taking the poor little guy in!! Good luck :)

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