
Theres 2 weeks left b4 RSVP how do I tell people who has not sent it back yet to do so w/out sounding annoying

by  |  earlier

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I am still awaiting 50 more replys. I want to tell people so they dont forget and to remind them but I dont want to seem pushy. Or should I not bother?




  1. its awful that these days guests do not bother to inform so u need to call them up and remind them of the invitation so they will tell u if they are coming or not   Awful waste of time energy& money

  2. Send out cute yet friendly reminders. I don't think a friendly reminder is pushy at all.

  3. Make friendly phone calls to the people who have not RSVP'd and kindly ask them so you know in case you are providing food. This way you will know how much food to prepare..

  4. Just drop  an email to everyone reminding themof the party and asking that anyone who hasnt RSVP by such and such day needs to ASAP .

    If they dont then maybe do another email saying "sorry we wont be seeing" or something like that.

    BUT dont be surprised if people who dont rsvp and still show up.

  5. Call them up and ask them to $hit or get off the pot.

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