
Theres 4 families living in a 1600 sq ft townhouse next to me. What agency can I report this to?

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I have seen a minimum of 30 different people in and out of there on different days. It's a real nuisance and I have no idea where to begin to complain about this.




  1. if you have association in your townhouse- call them first and let them know about all situation. If they are to laud - call the police, they will not tell them who was calling. Your next option is to stop by by your village hall and talk somebody with the building department- there is a law how many people can live per sf .

  2. They sound mexican. Call customs. Heheh. kidding.

    You can call the police and let them know.If its a rented property, usually 3 police reports will get an eviction. If its owned and there are kids there you can call the welfare office. They should open a full investigation.  

  3. Check with your zoning by-laws, however they normally don't need to be slated as a multifamily residence if they are all from the same family.  Likewise your zoning bylaws may not even prohibit multi family residence in your area.

    Have you tried to mind you own business.   Some families life together and support one another, it is actually a good thing, it eases the burden on social programs like welfare and housing subsidies.

  4. Depends if they own the house-there is nothing you can do. If they lease/rent, then you have some choices. Contact the owner and let them know.

  5. What is this family doing to bother you? You could try minding your own business, and let them live their  own lives, and you could do the same!

  6. Most cities have ordinances prohibiting multiple families from living in a single home. A complaint to your city's enforcement department usually solves the problem. For many cities, such as mine, you can even submit your complaint online via the city's web site.

    These departments usually handle things like complaints of trash accumulation but they handle this as well. What happens is they'll send someone to the home to verify the problem and issue a warning. The warning gives them so many days before citations are issued.

  7. Call your city health department. There are typically rules for this. They should be able to direct you. Here we have something called neighborhood protection. If you are in a townhome, is it part of a home owners association. If so get them involved

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