
Theres a gas boycott on June 17 and June 18 who wants to join?

by  |  earlier

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how would it cause an illusion of shortage?? if you just don't use your car for a day then the next day you will use the same gas as what you could have used the day before?




  1. this is not going to work its goign to waste your time. The gas prices are going to keep going up. If i were you i would just go on with life. Its not going to change or America is reallly screwed since we already over 9 trillion dollars into debt

  2. No way!  When you do that, you just put off buying until the next day, causing a rush to the pumps and the illusion of a shortage.  You know what that does, don't you?  It DRIVES PRICES UP, NOT DOWN!

  3. unless u get 2 billion chinese and indians to join it will not help


  5. <rolling eyes> at  this has been suggeted over 1000 times

    it will not work because first the gas station  owners do not get

    their gas for free either they have to pay for it! they do NOT

    work for the oil companies either

    and then everyone would just fill up the day before or day affterwords,

  6. Supply and demand. Change your lazy habits and reduce the use of gas/oil.

    Stop driving or drive less.

    Drive less or drive more efficiently.

    Drive the same amount and get an alternate fuel vehicle or even plug in.

    40% of US driving is within 4 miles! Bike, take public transportation, walk, or at least would you link your errands.  

    Can you imagine the effect if we used 40% less?

    Take the Cliff Car challenge and see what you can do within walking/cycling distance.

    The bulk of petrol use is not even cars. Energy retrofit your house, even something as simple as CFLs, inulated blinds saves you money and we use less petrol for heating/electric,

    And hellooooo? Plastic? Plastic is petrol. When asked paper or plastic .... neither. Bring your own bag, reduce reuse recycle plastic.

    Stop using the d@mn stuff or use less. That is how we thumb our nose at foreign oil. Reduce costs and solve climate change.

    Changing your purchase from Monday to Tuesday does nothing.

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