
Theres a homeless man who sleeps on this park bench near my house?

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I feel kind of sorry for him. He sleeps there all night and is very dirty. Nobody bothers him but i see him out my bedroom window. I wish there was more I can do to help him. What should I do?




  1. Inform your local council about it and say that there should be a place where they can go in order to get food shelter and clothes.

  2. Nothing stops us from helping to the extent our ability our precaution-capability permits. Unknown person, whether he is in a pitiable condition or not, remains an unknown impeding danger. But, "human" considerations compels us to show some sympathy, considerations etc. If possible join up with at least a few of like minded persons around and do what best is possible. That way, the safety concerns are also taken care of, dividing the risk.

  3. call local authorities to assist.

  4. I liked the previous answer too.  However you see him everyday....he's still human.  Maybe one day be nice and sit next to him on bench and give him a sandwhich.             They all have a story to tell....why not listen.  It can only help!

  5. Oh! my bad btw i'm not homeless the park makes me feel free. I'd actually rather sleep on the bench too it's really cozy!

    I'm only kidding.

    Talk to him. Offer him $20 only if he tells you how he ended up this way. I'm sure it will make him happy that there are people out there that cares and i'm sure he'll to tell you his life story. I would do that but I just thought of that right now.

  6. It all depends why he's there.  You could ring a charity in your area that focuses on the homeless and they may come and check up on him.  He may be mentally ill, a drug addict, an alcoholic, someone who's gambled their life away, or maybe life has just gotten the better of him - there's hundreds of reasons why people sleep rough.  When I lived in Scotland, and it was freezing, I used to give all my tips to the homeless people who were sleeping rough on my way home whether they were begging or not - it wasn't much but I didn't know what else to do.  I was disgusted at society that there were so many people sleeping on the streets in the snow at 2am!  You could make a gesture like giving him a blanket or some food or some money.  It's very sad that in this day and age anyone has to live like that.

  7. I lked your question, you seem like a really nice person to feel like that.  Honestly there is not much you can do.  If you want you can buy him som efood one day and give it to him but on the other hand becareful too because some homeless people (the ones in my city) don't want help and actually get pretty upset if you give them food rather than money (because they want to buy alcohol).

    If you see him one day say him to him and see how he reacts and get a feeling fo rhis character that way.  If he seems like a decent person then try the food idea.

    Good luck!

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