
Theres a small bump in my eyelid?

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i slept without taking off my eye makeup off after a crazy night..and in the morning it felt like there was something in my upper eyelid on the edge of my eye. it was swollen all day and when i pushed my eyelid up i saw a small bump. will it go away by itself? what should i do?




  1. its probably a sty. its harmless. they hurt a little bit but not much. and it will go away by itself. dont worry.  

  2. Its Called sye

    it will go away soon

    buh yu need 2 rub ointment on it

    everyday so the swellin will go down faster

  3. Ugh stupid ppl.. Yes its a sty I did the same thing I left my make up on and I got 4 styes 2 in my upper eyelid and 2 in my lower eyelid.. I didn't really do anything about it I just washed it out a few times and put eye drops in hoping the it would go away and it didn't work at all.. I ended up have surgery b/c it was getting so bad even though I was cleaning it out every day.. If you go to your eye doctor not your doctor but your EYE doctor than he can look at it and prob give you something for it.. Its nothing to freak out about just go to the eye doctor and he'll help and if you do end up having to have surgery its not that bad it hurts a little after and you look like h**l.. Hope that helps a little bit...

  4. i think that's a stye and it will go away, or you can put some ointment stuff for it.  

  5. it might be a stye

  6. its okayy it will go away its called a hurts i've had it b4

  7. What is eye stye?

    A stye is a small boil on the eyelid.  It may look quite alarming if the eye closes up, but homeopathic treatment usually brings a response. A Stye is a common infection of the hair follicle of an eyelash, resembling a sore similar to a boil or a pimple in the gland at the edge of the eyelid which leads to blockage of the hair follicles that may become swollen, nuisance and painful to the touch.

    Styes may be treated by making a decoction (prepared from the roots, seeds, stems and other parts of the plants that are boiled in water) of eyebright and chamomile, to help reduce the inflammation. Marigold can be taken internally to stimulate the lymphatic system.


  8. Oh! i used to get those all the time! their called styes. The way to treat them is to apply warm packs (wet a towel with hot water) 4-5 times a day. It should go away in a couple of days, but im not sure, depending on how long u've had it and how bad it is : )but, if it's really big already, then it might get bigger and filled with pus (i know..sounds gross) then u have 2 just wait it out and put gauze over ur eye so no one sees it. then wait till its pointed and it should go away within a couple of days. hope i helped! : )

  9. bumps on the eyelid are styes.

    a stye is an inflamed oil gland on the edge of your eyelid, where the lash meets the lid.

    it appears as a red, swollen bump that looks like a pimple.

    &it may hurt to touch it.

    i would give it a week or so to heal &to see if it will go away on its own after ointments

    if it doesn't, then you will need to seek a doctor

    &have surgery done to remove it.

    no pressure, the doctors will put you to sleep during the operation.

    so you won't be able to feel a thing.

    good luckk!


    ohh well excuse me..

    i meant EYE doctor.


    fuuh-get "punkchick" down here below me


    kno-it-all poser betch. . .

  10. it is a sty put a warm cloth or a tea bag whatever you have on it, it stops swelling and the pain

  11. Yeah its just probaly Pink Eye. That happens to me too, it'll go away, so dont worry ^_^

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