
Theres a stray cat around and i want to care for it without spending money if its sick and idw to get her ntrd

by  |  earlier

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there is a stray cat around that wants to eat my mice and just had babies and shes hungry.i want to care for it but idk how to gain her trust and i need a way to care for her with out taking her to the vet or getting her neutered/spayed help me!!




  1. Feed and water her..they say cats have several  homes.  BUT, remember if you feed her, she will keep coming back.

    I would take the kittens to the Pound, because they will also be hanging around..will be their home.  HUGS!!

    You can also take the adult cat to the Humane society and get her spayed cheap....

    If you wanna care for another person or will take some responsibility and commitment on your part..HUGS!!

  2. Forgotten friends is a small non-profit all-volunteer organization dedicated to the protection and placement of homeless, abandoned, abused and neglected dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, and other animals. We provide a safe, secure, and healthy environment for a small number of animals waiting for a loving, caring adoptive home. We receive no payment for our efforts, only the personal satisfaction and sense of accomplishment we feel when placing a rescued animal into a loving home forever. Please save a pet with donations or contributions. We will use donated money to open a pet rescue in the Windham area, to try to improve the lives of local animals, and to make a real difference. We also accept aluminum cans and pet supplies. For more information or to schedule a pick up of donations, or to schedule volunteer time, please call us. For the betterment of the lives of stray, abandoned, and special needs cats and dogs, our goal is to;

    *Open an animal shelter in the Windham area

    *Find loving homes for animals in need

    *Provide shelter, food, and medical necessities

    *Give loving care and companionship for as long as needed.

    For donations and contributions;

    *Call: 330-348-4223


  3. Contact a local animal rescue.  They can TNR - Trap Neuter Release.  I don't know whey you wouldn't want to have him/her neutered.  It makes no sense.  Cat's that are spayed/neutered won't breed and add to overpopulation and neutered cats are less territorial so they will be less likely to get into fights and contract diseases.

  4. 1. The best thing you can do for her is get her and her offspring neutered/spayed. Seriously. Same with taking her to a vet.

    2. You need to find out where her children are so if you scare her off you will be able to save them from dying.

    3. Contact a humane society and get them to do it. THEY know what to do and kittens will get adopted really easily. They will take her to a vet and get them all fixed up.

  5. the first part to familiarize yourself with a stray cat is to feed it. give it some really yummy food. you can leave it outside and wait for the cat, or make some food when you see it. be creative with what you give it, like tuna or something it would love. ir is good to always be around when the cat is eating so that it knows you are in charge of giving it food. make sure to NEVER touch the cat. to gain its trust you have to let it know that you won't hurt it and that you're its friend. if the stray recognizes that you are feeding it, it will come around a lot. once it comes around probably more than once a day, try approaching it. the more and more time you spend with it, the better your bond will be. until the cat approaches you and signals it wants to be pet, i wouldn't do that. this will take time and patience, but eventually the stray will come around and love you.

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