
Theres a weird plane that going over my house every night at 10 pm?

by  |  earlier

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it seriuosly looks like a bat

and it is so loud and close down it shakes the house sometimes.

it isnt your ordinary plane.

and its always at 10 o clock at night?

what could it be?




  1. its aliens lookin for there next victim to probe, they almost got me yesterday but i ran. watch out there lookin for you next.

  2. yea if it looks like a triangle then it is a b-2 bomber

    lookit up on google for pictures and see if that is it

  3. Where do you live. Go to google earth and see where the nearest aiport is. if there are no airports, then I would suggest you lock your room and keep your pet close by or you or your pet could end up pregnant with an ailen baby.

  4. It is prbably a test flight at night conducted by the military, or it could be a regularly scheduled flight for an private airline service. If you are very annoyed or worried about this mysterious plane, maybe you should contact the authorites and have them look into this for you and inform them it is disturbing your recreational time and your sleep.

  5. If it looks like a bat then it's probably some sort of stealth aircraft.

    It could be a bomber like the B-2 spirit or it could be a fighter. If you live near an airport then they might be testing out some new planes.

  6. It's called an airplane. They're quite common nowadays.

  7. plane

  8. need more info.       are you sure it isn't some sort of foreign  craft?

    It looks like a bat?? have you ever seen a bat ? close up?

    Bat Plane??

  9. Where Do You Live?

    A Bat Like Aircraft that matches your description is a B2 Spirit

    They Could of Set Up A Routine Flight or Be Doing Testing


  10. Are you near an Air Force base?

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