
Theres an intersection I travel everyday to work that needs the left turn lights changed.?

by  |  earlier

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I drive on the same street everyday to work, and I have to make a left turn to get onto another street. However, its a "Left turn on arrow only" instead of "Left turn yield on green" or whatever it says. It is not needed at all, because the traffice coming the other way is never that bad at all. It adds like a minute to my drive, but thats not the reason I want to report it. Its just something I feel needs to be looked into and changed.

With that said, how would I go getting it changed? Who would I write to? What should I say to make my argument more convincing? Anything else?

I live in the state of texas, in a suburb outside of dallas by the way.




  1. Write a letter to the owner and operator of the signal (state, county, or city). You might want to say that protected left turns are not warranted and in fact causing more delay.  Show them volumes of traffic and accidents involving the left turners; if you have videos those would help too.

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