
Theres no itching or burning just REALLY bad smell and alot of discharge?

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Theres no itching or burning just REALLY bad smell and alot of discharge?




  1. You may have some sort of infection that needs to be treated.  Doesn't mean it is an STD.  Get it checked out by a doctor.

  2. Sounds like a yeast infection with the bad smell. Could be bladder infection or even a std.  

  3. ehm... ummm... thats sorta icky... if i where you i owuld go to the doctor... or take a bath and wash yourself and if it still is smelly go to the doctor.  

  4. YOU have a rotten cochie! go to the gynecologist at once!

  5. go to the doctor immediately! it could be an infection or an std!

  6. Sounds like bacterial vaginosis (BV) or it could be one of several STDs.  Go see a doctor!

  7. The bad smell indicates that you probably have a bacterial infection that will need antibiotics from a doctor to treat.  They are pretty common, and it can be cleared up easily with the right treatment.

  8. ew... uhmm.. u should go to the doc... dont ask on here.. =P

  9. The smell could just be smegma, which is dead skin cells and skin oil and sweat.

    I don't know about the discharge though.

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