
Theres this girl(friend)?

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theres this girl i like so i asked her out(emailed her)(were both 13)and then the next day i find out shes already going out with somebody and she hasent gotten the email yet.what should i do?(were good friends)




  1. pretend it was a mistake!  

  2. email is a sure way to FAIL, do it in person, she most likely read it and considering how hard an email can FAIL, she probably just said shes going out with another person so ur FAIL wont hurt as hard. but it is a FAIL.

  3. If you used Microsoft Outlook, look in the Sent folder for your message. Double click on it to open it. Then select Tools > Recall This Message. There's no guarantee it will be able to delete the message, but it might work.

  4. ooh snap! well is there a way if you go to your sent email and cancel the message ?

    if not you can make up a lie and say dhat yur little brother or one of your friends did ith.

    say ith wasz a dare.

  5. slit her friends throat, first make sure this girl was born a girl

  6. I personally think that you shouldn't be worrying about dating at this age. It's not a necessity. Tell her how you really feel though. If she is a good friend, she will listen and understand. I know its hard to say something like that to someone you care about but its just a fear that you have to face. If you're honest, she will respect you. It doesn't mean she will return the feelings but at least you can get it off your chest.

  7. Run for the hills!

  8. just casually say "hey I sent a e-mail to u that I meant to send to someone else so if u see it don't get freaked out" or something like that

    and if she asked who it was for just make something up like " That's my little secret."

  9. I would send her another e-mail, saying that you didn't know she was dating someone. Tell her your there for her, and you want to remain friends, because it will be awkward for her if she hangs out with somebody who has a crush on her

  10. oh i hate when that kinda stuff happens. just like send her a bunch of chain mails or something then hopefullly she wont scroll though all them haha

    if you need some tell me.

    i have millions.

  11. yeah man that sucks.  lol it's like straight out of a sitcom.  I guess just deal with it and hope shes nice about it.

  12. itd be bad but you could try figuring out her password & delete it

    or if its on myspace or something like that, if you delete the message in your sent box then itll delete the message in the persons inbox

  13. call her! or tell her in person don't be shy it's life!

  14. i have been in your shoes before!

    i liked this guy and he liked me but he was going to ask my friend out because this boy asked me out and and i him yes after a week ..

    and he went out with my friend and i know how your feeling right now

    it took me awhile to get over this boy ..

    well also wait for her reply,it depends on what she says back,

    the situation could be that she doesn't like the relationship shes in or the opposite.

    she might like you back you never know right ?

    but then again it could be the opposite.

    the biggest thing is to wait for this girls reply . (:

  15. I would let her know about your feelings for her even though she is currently dating someone.  

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