
Theres this gorgeous guy in my workplace who keeps staring at me - Shall I make the first move and ask him out

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Theres this gorgeous guy in my workplace who keeps staring at me - Shall I make the first move and ask him out




  1. If you have enough courage to ask it here, you have enough courage to ask him out.  Same level of courageness .. just at a different level.   Go ahead! Sounds positive.

  2. Normally I would say yes, but dating in the work place is very tricky!  You might want to think twice about it!

  3. sure I will go out with you.

  4. Why not? What have you got to lose?

  5. Of Mice and Men?

    I wouldnt.  I like a guy who has nerve.  If he doesnt have b*lls enough to ask you out himself, leave this mouse to his cheese and find yourself a man.

  6. If there is one thing I've learned over the past few years, it is to go for what you want!  I felt the same way about someone once, but neither of us ever got the nerve to say anything about it, and we lost our chance!  You should never be afraid to make the first move!  A lot of guys really like that.  I know it is tough to make the first move, but you will feel better for it in the long run, no matter the outcome!  Then you won't have to keep worrying if he likes you or not!  His answer will tell you everything!  And if he says no, then he's obviously not good enough for you and he knows it ;)  Good luck!

  7. Sure!  I've been waiting for you to..... :)

  8. I don't think you should make the first move. Although he keeps giving you the eye wanting you to make the first move, I don't think that you should. If he's looking at you the way you say he is then he won't have a problem making the first move soon or later.So, give it time and you will see that he wants to make the move on you whether he is nervous or not.

  9. GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. He may just think you have an odd hair style or something stuck between your teeth.  Rule out the most possible explanations before moving to the outlandish.  Good luck.

  11. i would but then if it tourns that is not in teresting in you! Waht do you do? Wait for his moves. And if he wonts then go head

  12. yeah

  13. hahahah why ask? Get on with it!!!

  14. Yes, but invite him out for a drink.  That's more casual, so if you've misread the signals it won't be embarrassing if he turns out to not be interested.

  15. Is he really staring at you? He might be staring at a hot chick by the next desk or staring out the window or wondering why you chose such weird color combinations for your outfit.

    Try having a harmless business-related conversation with him to judge what is on his mind. Ask him if the company always has a Christmas party or if he knows where the requisition forms for new computers are. If he frowns and says "You are in my line of vision I have been trying to see whether that pigeon on the window ledge has any eggs in its nest" then you can skip the asking him out. If he smiles and starts to chat about working for the company then you can try something a little more personal. Either way you have the info you need to proceed without making a permanent idiot of yourself..

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