
Theres this guy....?

by  |  earlier

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I used to like him, feb thru june. He talked to me alll the time. But wenever he talked to me, he was being a COMPLETE perv, or he was saying something unessacary on the lines of pervertion. But thts NOT y i liked him. i liked him before he turned perverted. He used to be nice, and had some RESPECT. (back in february tht is). but then he got in with a different crowd... He changed. Everybody said he liked me then, and i beleived it but din wanna at the same time cu of the way he was. Now my friend said he changed again over the summer. I ran into him the other day. But he din say anything perverted=\ Im afraid of falling into his web again becuz for a sec i almost liked him. Any opinions as to wether im being silly and i shud just beleive my friend, or otherwise?




  1. Go with what you feel. In the end your friend wont be the one dating him it will be you or not.

    Sometimes we have to take risk to find the things that were meant for us not that im saying date him im just saying do what YOU want.

    If you feel he will turn perv then dont date him. if you feel he will change that and be serious then go for it!

    Again i say in the end its all up to what makes you happy.

    = ]

  2. Bridget, a lot of times guys your age act that way as a way of "showing off" - it's a way to try to get attention. That tells me he probably likes you and that he was trying to impress you - he just happened to pick a way that you didn't like! I wouldn't tell you to believe your friend totally - she might really think the guy has changed, but she could also be wrong about it. I'd say that if you really liked the guy before, go ahead and give him another chance - just let him know if he says or does anything that makes you uncomfortable. Hope this helps some!  :)

  3. your not being silly its your thoughts. I sounds like ur friend is right. he has changes. if you feel attracted to him go with it. But if he keeps this up its not even worth it. if he's mean or perverted either set him straight or kick him to the curb. do what makes you happiest. GOOD LUCK. tell me what happens or if this helps.
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