
Theres this guy that always stalks me everywhere at school?

by  |  earlier

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He sits by me, he sends me messages sometimes, and has asked me out before. I've told him many times that I did not want to go out with him, but he still likes me and stalks me. I don't like him at all what so ever, and he knows that, but he doesn't get it through his head. I'm so sick and tired of him. I want to get help from my school, but I don't know who to talk to. I had a friend yesterday to tell him to leave me alone and not to sit by me in the bus. Then he had told him, "i'm not going to bother her yet." I couldn't believe what I heard. I was so pissed off at what he said. Anyways, help me out so bad. I mean really, I don't like him at all what so ever. Please help me. Thanks!




  1. Your imagination is running with you.   Sit down and actually

    write and intelligent list of each thing he did today !

    When you have it - neatly written out put it aside

    write one out every day for a week.

    Go to your Schools Head master or ask for the schools councilor

    it is against the law , to stalk anyone.  I am assuming now he really

    is.   But you must stop acting as a victim.  Don't talk to him,

    don't acknowledge him at all. And surround yourself with a good

    group of people always.   If there is a good friend you can rely on

    get her to discreetly write what she sees , without been obvious.

    That way , there is two of you and you can use this as proof.

    If it is this serious, tell your parents and get someone to pick you up.

  2. Keep a record of all of his creepy movements.  Do NOT let this go on,  tell your parents, the school counsellors, SOMEONE, anyone.   Stalkers can be very dangerous, hugs

  3. I had the same problem with a boy at school. try and talk with your school counselor.  

  4. Get some guys to bash him or something.

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