
Theres this guy who is in a younger grade who said i ruined his prom?

by  |  earlier

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he said i ruind his prom and i dont know how? i like this boy and the guy i was dancing with told the boy not to ask me to dance or he said he would kick his *** and i told the guy i was dancing with that i was mad at him for saying that and he took it back but the boy wouldnt dance with me its like dancing with me meant the world to him




  1. get over urself and plus this is a ****** handball section

  2. Its his fault for not dancing wit u and being a punk.

  3. who cares??

    this area is for the important questions about handball not your love life.

  4. u are right. can i have 10 points

  5. We don't care keep your stupid little problems to yourself

  6. please get over you're problem  it's just puppie love fighting for don't know the meaning of love until you get married.

  7. Stick an apple cork up your sandy v****a and get over your self *****!!!

  8. Stop it.  Just Stop It.

  9. *** u!!!!!!!!!!

  10. oh my how awful.

  11. get over yourself

  12. This is here cause YOU wouldn't play HANDBALL with him

    well since your talking  PROM here ...the choice is yours..and..and ....maybe maybe ...he knows the other side of your boyfriend that you DON'T

  13. well if he does like you that much.. then dancing with you on prom nite could mean the world to him... and that world was something he did not get.. i would be pretty pissed at you too.. im sry but im just lettin u know what u asked.. may be harsh.. yea and you knew he liked you and wanted to dance with you but u didnt push him to do it, and he wouldnt dance with you cuz of the threat the other a*shole told him...

    but then again.. im hard headed and a **** head.. and as ive done b4 but never at prom..if someone told me dont ask her to dance other wise ill kick your ***.. i would say: well then h**l, if im not gonna dance with her, i mind as well kick your ***( would grab a chair and send the son of a ****** to the hospital).. would ruin my prom nite.. but for a h**l of a good cause..

  14. Unless there were hands and balls involved, this question is not in the proper category.

    Anyway, you should have been the bigger person and went to the boy and apologized, then asked him to dance instead, it would have made him so happy.

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