
These 2 alien videos...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike - released in 1996 - released in may 2008


notice the movements in both of their heads are exactly the same and the facial features are similar. so i guess my question is what do you people think? real or fake?




  1. I have to say, both of those look like puppets. The movements are consistent with gravity pulling on something heavier than a musculoskeletal system is "used to" having as its burden (for example, manned "muppet"). This thing moves a lot like amateur puppeteers in the theater at the arts school I attended in 1992.

    The head in the Denver video wobbles in a way not consistent with any known life form, plant or animal, and likewise looks as though it's more than the skeleton and muscles are "used to". I've seen much more impressive video than this which was admitted to be faked. I also have a friend who is a puppeteer who agrees that it looks like the work of an amateur.

    I can't absolutely say that it's a fake, since I've never seen a real alien to match, but I do have to say that I'm not convinced it's real, either. Other videos shot by Stan Romanek appear to be fakes, too... one of them, a "gray" peeking around a corner inside of a house, the arms look to move in a very inanimate way, affected by gravity and not muscles.

    They teach us about that stuff in art school.

    And I haven't yet seen any proofs either for or against that solidly debunk or support these videos. I do have to say that seeking the truth means collecting solidly scientific data and suspending judgment in the meantime. It's merely "evidence" at this moment, and has absolutely no validity or invalidity whatsoever.

  2. Im not sure, im not an expert on Aliens or UFOs but i do believe there is life on other planets, what we saw on those videos may or may not be actual aliens.

  3. The first one I think it is fake. I have seen a lot of these so called alien video's. This one just doesn't look right. I have seen fake ones that look better then this one.

    The second one is fake. You can tell right away. And it has been proved to be a fake too.

  4. fake. the camera just happened to be sitting there turned on when the alien came up right?

  5. They are both fakes.  In the first, I highly doubt that a government scientist would call it an alien.  They would probably call it an extraterrestrial lifeform or somethign of that nature.  The second has already been proven to be a fake.

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