
These ARE the times that tries men's souls, what can McCain offer?

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These ARE the times that tries men's souls, what can McCain offer?




  1. McCain aka Mephistoheles offers a generous cash rebate on your soul to avoid your mortal life of trial and tribulation.

    Once you shuffle off your mortal coil, Mccainistopheles shall present you to his Dark Master Lord Bush Jnr, the Dim, of the 4th ring of h**l- the ring of Stupidity and Mispronuncierr-miation.

    Lord Bush will then regail you for the better part of eternity with anecdotes and his own opinion of witticisms.

    Then you're off to Earl of Pain and Sidewards Sodomy d**k Cheney- Grand Master of the 3rd domain of h**l, where he'll show you how he made wife and daughter big fat lezzies, then regularly shoot a load in your face- thinking you're a duck.

    Barbara, Hitler and Geroge Bush Snr oversee these two. Mussolini will be providing stand-up and Ariel Sharon will be cooking his wonderful Kosher blintzes.

    Fox News is free and broadcast 24 hours a day.

  2. More of the Bush disastrous legacy.

  3. 1.  A logical look at the war. (Surrender in Iraq followed by expansion in Afghanistan and invading Pakistan is STUPID)

    2.  A cut in government spending (Obama would EXPLODE spending to an unsustainable level)

    3.  Keeping taxes low.  (It is INSANE to raise taxes in an economic slump)

    4.  Drilling for oil.  (Even if it takes time.  Obama wants to tax the oil companies, which would pass that tax onto the consumer RAISING oil prices...HOW IGNORANT IS THAT??)

    5.  He is not OBAMA (Obama wants to raise taxes, spend it on social programs, create an economy worse than Carter did...and his SUCKED!  Everything about Obama's policy ideas is BAD)

    6.  He is not a racist (You cannot spend 20+ years hanging with and being mentored by racists if you are not a racist)

  4. 100 more years of times that try men's souls. . .

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