
These are the lessons I like, <span title="English,Drama,Buscom,Science.">English,Drama,Buscom,Scie...</span> I wanna be a teacher what shall i be a teacher in?

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These are the lessons I like, English,Drama,Buscom,Scie... I wanna be a teacher what shall i be a teacher in?




  1. it depends on what age group you want to teach - if you want to teach primary then you need to study a wide range of subjects (especially the nat.curr ones).

    if you wish to teach secondary, then you need to specialise in a specific subject.

    if youre doing GCSEs now, i wouldnt worry too much about whther you make the right choice. a levels and your degree will be more important.

    on a different note - english and drama teachers are two a penny, science teachers are more sought after.

  2. choose the best subject you liked.

  3. I think it&#039;s great that you want to be a teacher. After the parents, the teacher is the most important person in a child&#039;s upbringing. If you want to excel in your career, choose a subject you&#039;re passionate about and one which you will be able to enjoy teaching for a long time. I would choose Drama as it&#039;s creative and the material is varied and would appeal to different types of student. The other subjects are important too however, unless you&#039;re able to sustain the enthusiasm in the way you teach, it could become monotonous (in my opinion) as you&#039;re basically imparting facts whereas with Drama (or any creative subjects) the creative outcome from the students is unpredictable and spontaneous.

  4. Whatever your best at and enjoy teching the most. also which one you think you can explain easier.

  5. english and drama can kinda tie in together? perhaps you could do both? thats what my english teacher used to do

  6. its great that u want to be a teacher.

    do something u love and can explain in depth . u must have practical experience of using the subject to make it real

    - the question &quot;when are we ever going to use this&quot; must be answered convincingly by u to students

      and u must be able to have a sense of humor to survive teaching.

    have fun and food luck!

  7. The best teachers are ones that are passionate about their subject. Choose something you love

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