
These days, when and how does Jack Van Impe believe that Christ will return and prophecy will unfold?

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I actually like this guy and his wife, even though they have been wrong a large number of times. Is seem to recall that way, way back he had once said that Christ would return in 1992. Of course, that didn't happen.

Has he revised his predictions? Does he have a current date and sequence of events?

And I wonder what he thinks of all this "2012" silliness?




  1. I liked him them too

    we used to watch his video's in Church

    my brother the Pastor always watched them first to see if there was error in them first

    he is not always right, he talks about other ministers like he is a Judge

    I think he is self righteous and full of Pride

    the bible speaks of not pointing fingers, judging your brothers

    and setting dates Jesus said no man know the hour or the day

    so they think they can say the year, not so

    now the last I think he is saying Jesus is coming back 2012 I am not sure you would have to get his video on that one he is also talking about Opera which I think is wrong to try and make a public example of her we need to pray for her not condemn her, he puts all the prophecy's of the Mayans and Nostradamus and others in that video

    I am not putting him down, just watch him

    he is not spirit filled as some of our other Prophets are

    and no one says the things he says, I think he wants to sell his tapes

    I love them both and pray they will get it right for the sake of

    God and his people some do not know what he says it right or wrong

    lets pray for him and his sweet wife who adores him


  2. I don't think he's saying anymore. He seems to be more interested in peddling his nonsense to the extremely delusional.

  3. those two are very entertaining - especially when one is stoned. that's about all they are good for, really.

  4. He worships Mammon.

  5. I think he's abandoned the idea of giving out the date.  I saw the show recently, and he said the world will never end.  Then again, he's hard to understand, considering his belief in millions of aliens and UFOs (attached video link):

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