I am a junior right now. This dumb sophomore has been saying stuff to me since middle school. But now I am bigger than him and I could probably punch his face and knock him out bad. He keeps coming up to me and calling me s*****m or something bad. I don't say anything to him and just laugh it off. It is getting to the point though, where I just want to kick him in the face. What should I do? I don't want to tell teacher because idiot 101 will keep doing it (others have reported him and this is still continuing with them). He is telling everyone I am s*****m and it realllly isn't flowing with me. Here are the options I have:
1 - punch him in teh face and go into beserker mode (I have fighting experience from playing world of warcraft, I own two lvl 70s).
2 - ignore him, year is almost over - punch him next year before school ends
3 - i get bullied by him
4 - report him to teacher (probably won't do anything other than worsen situation)