
These people are brainwashed about beauty standards?

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so I did a test on the poll thing.

I pulled a random white girl, typical blue eyes and blonde hair.

and then I choose this e.african supermodel and everyone said they liked the blondie better.

do you agree with their choices or do yoy think they are deluded.

disclaimer: I'm not saying white girls are ugly, I'm just trying to see a point here.;_ylt=Arx7j_AnV3owQkSSaXw2r5bsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080818170751AAYRprY




  1. You are guilty of what you say the people you polled are guilty of.  You chose 4 people who are attractive by average norms of our society, so your results are really worthless.  Why didn't you pick a paraplegic, someone with Down Syndrome, or someone with acne or someone with scars on their face?

  2. what do you think? they live in america where you see mostly white supermodels and the 'idea' beauty is usually white.

    those black models are BEAUtiful! You saw how most people say they dont date black chick?

    puckhead, the girl look like she has weave and bleached hair, she prob even got eyebrow surgery, and nose surgery.

    So she dont look natural

  3. I picked the white girl. It's not because I am a racist white dude. She is my type. Would I pick the black chick? Why would I? Is that what I see? No. I see white girls. I live in a white area. I like white chicks. Does that make me racist? I am proto-typical to my location. Same with you. I am not saying black chicks are ugly, but they are not my cup of white tea.

  4. I think the white girl looks more natural so that may be why she is more attractive.  The black girl is pretty as well, but just because some one is a super model doesn't mean they are going to be the better looking choice... You should try using a white girl like Kate moss against Tyra banks... Tyra would win hands down.

  5. You can't blame them, the beauty of White women resembles Angels, haven't you looks at paintings and art works?

  6. omg, I can't believe they choose that girl over that beautiful model.

    the girl is cute and pretty, but the african one was just stunning.

    those kids are deluded, I have to agree.


    I bet they'd still go for Moss, lolz.

  7. of course look at the avatars the white ones choose the white person or the white washed ones. i personally think the black model has a glow about her (prob makeup) and the white chick has black eyebrows and bleached blond hair(tacky).

  8. While I think it's certainly true that there is a pro-white bias in beauty standards (just open up any fashion magazine and count how many black models you see - and if there are any count how many have dark skin - likely none), your experiment doesn't necessarily prove anything. Models are not usually more beautiful than other people - they're just better at taking professional-looking photographs than other people. And your question was not even "which is most beautiful?" but rather "which would you rather go out with?" I certainly would never ever want to go out with a model. That said, you have definitely stumbled upon an interesting point. While white Americans claim to be not racist, things like this show we still have a long way to go.

  9. well most guys prefrer white woman. most black guys even do

  10. wtf? although i love black girls i'd still think that its obvious to most that the black girl is the hottest by far... and im not black

    but whatever peoples preferences are fine...

  11. oh come on, drop the race issue already.  The question is who would you go out with. The guys are obviously going to say the first one because she looks very subtle and cute the way she is posed.  The second girl looks powerful and intimidating, not like someone most guys would go for.  Just my observation.

    And with the guys, are you serious??? What girl would be attracted to ANY guy in rainbow man panties. YIKES!

  12. I gotta say I have to agree with you. But If the picture had been of a beautiful white supermodel and a plain jane black girl guess who I would have thought was prettier? That's right the supermodel.

    The poll question was a loaded question and I have a feeling that the answerer's who said the white girl was prettier knew d**n well she wasn't, but instead new the question was a loaded one and chose the white girl to get the askers goat.

  13. You could show those pictures to nomads in Mongolia or Eskimos in the arctic who've never seen televison and you would get the same result. One has delicate, fair features with flowing hair and the other coarse, masculine features with nappy hair. Let's just be honest and stop bullshitting. You want the truth that's the truth all day long and everyone knows it.  

  14. Well of course I agree with you! No one will probably admit it now if they picked the white girl cuz everyone wants to seem a little less shallow, but this IS America, and chicks think looks will get you anything. Looks will only get you so far. I'd rather be blessed with a super cool sense of humor. It lasts longer.

  15. I don't think they're brainwashed.  Each culture does encourage a certain look to be attractive, and that's what they know, so that is who they think is more beautiful.  Also, you asked who they would rather go out with.  That implies that they might be in long term relationships-models usually aren't good candidates for serious relationships.  And people might even find the model attractive, but going out also implies that people would see them together, which would make a public declaration that they liked eachother.  Sadly, even if the people who are posting answers don't judge people by the color of someone's skin, they might be afraid of what others who do judge that way would say.  It is sad, but there might always be a rift in population due to simple and unimportant things like skin color.  Maybe next time use a picture of modest but pretty girls and guys of both skin pigments and then ask "which is more attractive?"

  16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you find beauty in blonde and blue eyes then that's your beauty. Just because you chose the African supermodel and someone else didn't doesn't mean their beauty standards are wrong.  

  17. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  18. I'm white and I wish I were more exotic and dark. Being white is dull and boring. I have to tan every week.

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