
These people make me uncomfortable and a little scared?

by  |  earlier

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Today I was talking to two kids who I am friends with and they both just talk about useless things all class: "if I take this bar and hit you on the head, do you think you will get knocked out?" "shisshomo of naruto is not a very good fighter, kikoma is much better at the art of zen force fielding" stuff like that.

They are for lack of a better word: "romantsizeing" violence. they all talk about Halo and obsqure fantasies which I belive to be very annoying and sameful. The fact is that when they are in a good mood they are like everyone else, but when they're mad, they threaten people. TOO much aggression. They talk like a steriotypical "f**s", it's embarssing

I just can't help thinking if their great-great-grandparents came back to see them, they would be ashamed

they are so weird

I was at their level a while ago while I watched Dragonball. I think these kids are watching to much TV with no real sustinence, ect.

can someone relate what I wrote?




  1. You may be trying too hard to make value judgments about others.

    I suggest that you accept and respect their right to believe as they wish.

    You can also decide not to react to or participate in their fantasies.

  2. It took me a while to figure out what you wrote, but I can empathize. You said you were like that before so I gather that now you're not much like them. From the sound of it, it's time for you to find some new friends and drift away from these. :)

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