
These people that live in Florida, and other Hurricane susceptible area's, why don't they just move?

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Tornado's are one thing, earthquakes are another, but you don't live in a hurricane prone area!




  1. I agree with Candymom i live in Louisiana too and pretty much anybody who's lived down here or any part of the gulf coast can agree we're used to hurricanes. Movings not that easy especially living in this economy.I've lived here all my life and its my home to me. Maybe it seems simple to you because you haven't experienced it all your life like the rest of us.

  2. most likely if you was born there (like me in houston) its the place you call home so you dont move even though hurricanes hit  

  3. I always wodered the same.I live in Wisconsin where tornados are the norm during Apr-June.I have yet to see one.I will take this chance rather then boared up my house once or twice a year and take the chance of loseing everything year after year.

  4. Have you ever been to Florida?

    For me, it's paradise. I've been there multiple times and I'm just waiting to move there. I'd take any tornado they had anyday just to live there.

  5. I couldn never live any where with earthquakes!!!! I live in Baton Rouge, and hurricanes are just something we are used to. I think Katrina brought the rest of the country's attention to what we are used too! The south is the best place to be! Evacuate if its necessary. And if not. board up saftely and well, hurricane party! Bet you cant have a party for an earthquake.

    and OMG! unless you live in the middle, then your prone to some sorta effect! do you honestly think people should not live near the coast. If thats so then who would fill your pretty little umbrella drink up for you when you vacation here!

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