
These series poems are fun. Invented by Eva, I think. Am I staying on course?

by  |  earlier

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Every jungle has a particular smell.

This one is cedar and vanilla.

Half of the bushes ooze a scented ointment

with each chop from the machetes.

TD and Dondi stop to rest their packs,

They can see Neon and Jay up ahead,

hacking and pulling at the green wall.

As they pause, Dondi begins to reflect

on the journey…

“When we were younger men

and time was a Magazine, we

moved without plans. Now, we

wait and watch and worry well…”





  1. jungle philosophers, watch out for those trees!

  2. 'wells', should not be about worry, but hope & reasons 4 laughter.........

  3. Then what's going to happen next? the smell of the jungle is carried by the winds and probably a song from TD and Dondi...Neon and Jay should continue....

  4. Keep hacking through that jungle. Eventually, you will find a clearing -- I hope.

  5. You ol-....I mean you MATURE fellows better be careful out there!

    Yes, they are fun, aren't they?

  6. Did you really see Jay

    Hacking his way

    Through the shrubbery?

    That's such good news

    (Yes, I can hear the  sound

    of a tinkling Silver bell)

    I'm so happy that all is well.


    or is it just the light

    playing tricks

    with an old man's sight?

    Or wishful thinking?

    (or too much drinking?)

  7. "...and time was a Magazine..." :)  Sounds like a nice smelling jungle.

  8. And up ahead Jay and  Neon could hear these words and they smiled...

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