
These squirrels are leaving me little choice?

by  |  earlier

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but to shoot them with a BB gun or the likes. I have removed their nests, boarded up their holes they cehwed through my roof and gutters and they come right back. I do no want to poison as I fear the neighbors dogs may eat them. Anything else I can do short of spending days trapping and transporting? I've come to my patience's end, they are eating through the roof support and continue to come back. Help me help them, they are being assasinated tonight if I hear no other options. I'm sorry little squirrel buddies, I've got to take my home back - you're a nuisance. Thanks in advance.




  1. Squirrel are smarter than all mankind put together. If they are around , you will be annoyed. They can climb a greased pole.Jump to Olympic heights. They will stand and sass you. I say do it. I did in Fla. In one year with a crossman I killed over 100 grey squirrels. Finnally they were so thinned out that they did not bother me.Don't let neighbors know. Most people consider them pets. I did have one friend in neighborhood that had one that was really trained he painted some floro-paint on him and I did not shoot him.To my neighbors relief.

    Good Hunting.

  2. We have the same problem but we cut down certain limbs of trees near our house that they used to get into our roof. Try preventing them from getting onto your roof and that should help tremendously.

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