
Thesis writing about war and its impact on families??

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I have to write a thesis/ hypothesis (an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument) under the topic of war and families/ loved ones. These are some of the ideas that I have so far...

"War impacts the emotional bonds of love that families have and share together."

"War mentally and socially effects the way in which children are brought up as it is so traumatic."

"War scars the relationships that families and loved ones hold by physically and mentally breaking bonds of love. "

Do any of you have any ideas? Could you suggest a thesis? Which one do you like the best?

Please help!




  1. The destruction of war is not limited to the battlefield, but also to the emotional bonds of the families behind the soldiers.

  2. Most of the time I see, thesis are short

    "War destroy families and people 's feelings"

    "The effects of war on people, especially family members (or loved ones) are devastated"

    Writing long make it sound smooth, but it is the idea that we aim in an argument

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