
They're banning toy guns, but they're going to keep the real ones?

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What is the logic in that?




  1. Real guns are connected to the Second Amendment; toy guns are not.

  2. HA

    face it.. we need guns.

    if you outlaw guns.. only the outlaws will have guns.

  3. I dunno, cause I think if you ban toy guns, boys will make guns out of bread, paper, chicken strips, or whatever else is nearby.  Bananas make good toy guns, you know.

    The teachers need guns to protect the children from mass murderers, don't you know?  They like to attack schools because they know nobody there is armed.  You notice they don't attack in high-crime areas; you never know who might have a gun there, legally or illegally.

  4. I feel ya.  I understand what you mean.  When I was a kid, we used to play with toy guns all of the time.  Today, I am a gun owner.  Why ban one, without the other and why keep one, without the other, right?  I know it may be a utopian wish and dream, but it would be a wonderful world without guns.  Unfortunately, that won't become a reality anytime soon.  The reason the the Founding Fathers insisted upon the 2nd Amendment is so that people would have the ability to protect the rest of our freedoms and rights.  Until the day comes that governments surrender their arms, including our own, it is an unfortunate necessity to have an armed populace to ensure the protection of the people from tyranny.  

  5. Who is banning toy guns?

    They are keeping the real ones because it is harder to kill things with the toy ones.

  6. guns are our right. get over it. i wish everyone had a gun on them at all times.

  7. there is no logic in it. I'm in my 50s there was 10 of us kids.8 of them boys, we played cops and robbers, cow boys and Indians.we had toy guns like the cops had for playing c/r and toy riffles and toy bows that shot real arrows when playing c/i. (the kind with the suction cups on the end). I cant count the times my dad took our cap guns away  because we sneaked up on him.To this day we laugh about how high dad would jump and the look on his face. reminding you there was10  of us, thats a lot of toy guns yet not one of use has ever used a gun in violence.  out of the ten only 2 has ever owned a real gun. one is a police officer and the other a deer hunter. ...using their logic (who ever their is) 4of the ten of use should be dead or on death row.    

  8. Ah, -Welcome to the "Real World..."! Isn't it just Wonderful ??!  :0

  9. They better keep the real ones!  I don't see any point in banning the toy ones though.

    If you ban the real ones, then the only people who will have them are people who are willing to break the law.  Not smart...

  10. It has as much logic as gun free zones.

    Sorry, but I am not afraid to carry a large sum of cash in this downtown area with a sign on my back, because it’s a gun free zone. Makes fools out of believers in liberal thinking.

  11. Guns like hammers are just tools . It's who wheels the tool that is the problem .  

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