
They Say dont drink the water in Mexico then what do the Mexicans drink?

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They Say dont drink the water in Mexico then what do the Mexicans drink?




  1. Big Bubba and S F gave you good answers so far. The problem are the pipelines, cause certainly the water from the faucet is purified in the biggest cities.

    We usually buy purified water at the supermarket or convenience store (gallon, bottles, etc etc).

  2. People that live in mexico are actually born drinking the water which helps them build up an immunity to certain viruses in the water. We don't have this immunity so the water there can make us extremely ill.

  3. they drink the water! thats all they have so thats what they drink they dont know better. I heard that it does mess up theyre teeth! so if i were to go visit mexico i would take my own water!!! =]

  4. Most Mexicans (and Americans and others like myself who live in Mexico) drink water from a garrafon, similar to the 5 gallon jugs used in water coolers in the US.  Each household has a dispenser, and empty bottles are returned to the supermarket or convenience store to exchange for the purchase of full ones as needed.  This water is purified and very refreshing.  Otherwise, individual water bottles are also popular and sold in every corner store.

  5. cactus when they are crossing the border

  6. Many of them drink bottled water. It is not the water that is bad, but the delivery system. Most of the municipal pipes that carry the water are old and in need of repair. In many places the well water is very drinkable.

  7. Mexican water is purified as USA, but the flavor is different. So you should drink bottled water.

  8. I´m Mexican in Mexico  i don´t drink water from a fawcet straight, i boiled the water, or buy my self some bottled water.. thats the logic,

    the water most of the time is ok in any city of mexico, and is purified in the same way than in the US, the thing is that  pipe lines in Mexico are no so new in most places, and in others the way the water is store in the houses are not sanitized as often as it should, there fore is risky to drink water from a fawcet.

  9. We drink the same water, you shouldn't drink it because you're not used to it and it will give you some unpleasant side effects.  

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