
They are Tree killers! What do you think?

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The developers are ripping up the earth to put in more houses.





  1. The solution is to stop urban sprawl.  Let humanity develop its cities as much as it wants.  But let the remaining wild places stay wild.

  2. For

  3. AGAINST!!! global warming because theres so much carbon dioxide in the earth and not enough plants to eat it all up....... also so many building are empty do they really need to rip down trees to make more empty buildings. i think they should make a law banning building new buildings or like tearing down trees and plants. for a couple years.why do we need to tear down such beauty.

  4. I don't know what that other dude is rambling about but I am kinda against it since I'm a sportsman. I love fishing and if i could find public land id hunt , but every one who is building in the mountains is taking away good public land and the way to reduce this is have them build smaller homes and not be so d**n greedy.

  5. So encourage people to live in caves

  6. im for destroying this earth.....thats why i drive an SUV.

    sometimes, i'll rev the engine just to pollute the earth.....


  7. Sometimes you need to cut a tree to make something beautiful.  Think about it, would we have ever heard a wonderful piano or a smooth violin solo.  What about the crack of a baseball bat?  What would summer be without it?  Sometimes you need a bulldozer to make a road so you can travel to all the great scenic parks in this great country of ours.  Think about it.

  8. Against.

  9. Against.  They should be renovating old buildings and making them more attractive, rather than building more and more homes for the rich.

  10. money blinds good sense

    greed over rules intelligence .

    there are better ways to build that includes the Environment and at the same time creates huge opportunities to produce food ,its called Aggro urbanization

    PERMACULTURE ANSWER On Agro Urbanization

    you would have to say where and how for example if you want to be self sufficient you need a minimum space to be able to provide all your needs ,In Africa and many other places, Friends buy a farm between several families and they can build their own paradise that provides them with almost everything they need,and if coupled to a demonstrative sustainable existence project(school for courses) or a business the dollars for the things you don`t produce can be generated as well

    But a beautiful concept is sustainable aggro urbanization .


    there is an Architect who designed a city in China that blended totally into the landscape ,the farmland ending on top of all the equal level roofs ,with the farmers moving about on bridges

    All the rooms would have the sun at least once a day,The city to utilize all their own byproducts as gas for cooking or compost

    With solar energy to power the lot

    The land above would produce all the food and meat for the city

    A totally self-sufficient concept ,with sustainable agriculture as one of the main ingredients

    Very technical and advanced

    it is talked about on this youtube at the end


    Urbanisation incorporated with agriculture

    coupled to Agro forestry.

    food and animals with in forests

    and people hidden 3 levels underneath the farms ,all housing having what is called living roofs(have done some myself with pasture and goats on the roof ,and seen many of these) ,with pasture and vegetables ,this would also keep the dwellings cool.

    this idea is as old as Babylon


    Montezuma looked out of his window one day and saw all his peasants in huts of adobe as a blemish on his panorama ,and he ordered the people to hide themselves beneath beautiful flowers (deodorant was not so big in those days),

    and so the central Americans were motivated to build living roofs ,turning their village in to a garden with themselves hidden with in

    Babylon was doing very similar things using much more sophisticated building methods and stone

    This concept can spread into the country with out depleting it and so accomodate and feed thousands of people with out changing the overall Environment too much and subsequently the climate

    leaving room for expansion



    Permaculture means permanent agriculture

    a concept put forward by Bill Mollisson in the 60`s

    It is a collection of sustainable ideas from around the world coupled to present level of knowledge

    ideally suited for those who want to get back to the country and build a auto sufficient situation for themselves and the family or a community .

    People plant rather for the quality of life and to feed their families, than for the market ,so the motivation and the manner are totally different from ordinary agriculture .

    Although the basic concepts of Permaculture also apply to Organic and sustainable farming,and some aspects can be incorporated into regular farming techniques but rarely is because it is more labor intensive.

    Some Permaculture principles are


    Utilizing all resources economically

    soil management ,and mulching

    The utilization of space is more concentrated ,thinking in cubic and vertical terms instead or merely horizontal on the plain ,

    Creating energy flows or utilizing existing ones and enhancing them.

    For example the ditch around the house catches the rain water and leads it through the chicken house where it cleans and picks up the manure to deposit it in the vegetable patch

    Water harvesting to zero runoff

    Bio diversity i.e planting in guilds or companion planting

    And offers practical solutions for energy systems ,infrastructure, ,intelligent design in housing,animal shelter ,water systems and sustainable agricultural practices.

    Organic pest control,Bio digesters

    With the world and it`s history as it`s source

    From the chinampas of Mexico to the terraced gardens of the Andes.

    From the dessert wadis to the steppes of Russia.

    Covering all climatic conditions temporal, dessert, humid and dry tropics.

    The Permaculture designers manual by Bill Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get,on Environmental design,.(tagiari publishing,

    this book also has many gardening tips

    Some other writers that are on the internet are

    david Holmgren

    Larry Santoyo

    Kirk Hanson

    Masanobu Fukuaka has written ,

    One-Straw Revolution

    The Road Back to Nature

    The Natural Way of Farming

    Some of previous ,relevant answers

    Choosing a site;...

    Water harvesting;...



    the rippling effect;...


    Organic pest control & growing your own food;...



  11. im against that they are destroying forests they need to build on old and retired areas like goust towns, i do my part of destroying the earth i drive a big manly diesel truck and i make my own fuel but im getting off the subject once in a while ill plant a tree or plant 2 trees for every tree i chop down. If we plant more trees/plants our CO2 levels would go down decreasing global warming.

  12. I miss the way the streets looked before these pop up mansions came along.

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